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It’s Unavoidable: You Have to Replace Your Home HVAC

Eventually, the time will come when you need to replace your home HVAC system. There are only so many tweaks and repairs you can make to keep it running. Eventually, the cost of repairs can outweigh the cost of installing a completely new unit. But how do you know when the time is right? 

If you need help with HVAC replacement in New Brunswick, NJ, our team can help. We can assess your current HVAC system and make a recommendation based on what we see. Typically, if any single repair cost more than 50% of the cost of a new unit, that’s when it is definitely time to replace your HVAC system with a new one. You can keep reading to learn about other signs that your HVAC system is at the end of its life. 

HVAC System Age

Once your HVAC system reaches 10 years, replacement becomes a greater possibility. Some HVAC systems can last for 15 years or longer. However, the manufacturer’s warranty usually runs out at 10 years. Any repairs that you need to make after that are on you. Depending on how well your system has been cared for, it can last longer or need to be replaced sooner. The ten-year point is when things begin to go downhill. It’s important to keep a closer eye on your system after the 10 year mark so that you can stay ahead of major repairs and identify problems before they get too bad. 

High Energy Bills

An older HVAC system will use more energy than a newer system. You may have to weigh your current energy costs against your potential energy savings and factor that into your decision. For example, if you can save 20% on your energy bills with a new HVAC system, the expense may pay for itself within a few years. Sure, you have the significant upfront cost of overhauling your current HVAC system, but then you can breathe easier with lower energy bills each month moving forward. 

Ineffective Heating and Cooling

If your home never seems as warm or cool as you want it to be, that’s a problem. You may find yourself turning the thermostat higher or lower than normal to achieve your desired temperature. Alternately, you may find that some rooms in your home are hotter or cooler than other rooms. Either way, your HVAC unit is struggling to get your home to the temperature that you want. This can leave you uncomfortable while also paying more for your energy bills.

Bad Odors

Your HVAC system should never produce a bad smell. The only time that it might is when you turn your heater on for the first time each winter season. But that should only last for 20 minutes or so before the smell goes away. If you’re noticing an usual smell that is persistent, that’s a problem. A burning smell could indicate that wires are melting for some reason. A stale odor could indicate that you have mold or mildew growing somewhere in your HVAC system and blowing out through the ductwork. 

Unusual Sounds

Your HVAC system should never make unusual sounds. Most of the sounds that you hear will fade into the background as white noise. But if you hear anything that is particularly loud or alarming, you want to call us immediately. Loud sounds always indicate a problem: whether you hear at once or hear it over and over again.

Contact Scaran today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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