Scaran Blog: Archive for April, 2023

Your Heater Could Face These 3 Major Problems Right Now

Monday, April 24th, 2023

It’s already spring, and temperatures are warming up with each passing day. While you still may be running your heater, heater problems are probably the last thing on your mind. Instead, you’re probably more concerned with how your AC will work for the coming summer months.

But, there is still a good chance that you could need heating repair in Staten Island, NY. Your heater has been working hard all season long to keep your home warm, and there’s a good chance that it has taken on some significant wear and tear in the process. Now is a great time to address these three heating problems before they cause more troubles down the line. 

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This Is What Happens During Duct Testing

Monday, April 10th, 2023

If you think that something is wrong with your ductwork, the first step in addressing the problem is to complete duct testing. It’s a process that helps our team identify where you may have holes or other problems with your ductwork so that we can fix them.

If you’re interested in scheduling duct testing in Edison, NJ, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the process of duct testing so you know what to expect during the appointment. 

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