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5 Signs That You Need a Furnace Upgrade

Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.Not sure if it’s time for you to have a furnace upgrade? We know that sometimes it’s hard to make that decision. Committing to buying a new furnace for your home and spending money on the installation services is incredibly expensive, so when you’re ready, you want to be sure. However, you don’t want to wait too long to take action. When you need a furnace upgrade in Staten Island, NY, be sure to contact our team. All our technicians are extensively trained, licensed, and experienced so that we can help you in any endeavors that you need in your home.

The Warning Signs of an Upgrade

Here are a few warning signs that indicate that an upgrade is imminent:

Your Furnace Is Old

How old is your furnace? If the answer is anything over the age of 15 then it’s important for you to start thinking about replacing your heating system even if you’re not facing any current problems. A furnace is only built to last for so long, if you’re running a furnace way past its prime then it’s time to let the system go. You’ll only waste energy and money rather than saving any money by avoiding replacement.

You’re Constantly Repairing

How many times have you had to repair your furnace in the past few years? You shouldn’t have to repair your furnace too often, if you are, it’s more than likely a sign that it’s time to go. This is especially true if your furnace is older. In any circumstance, constant repairs are never a good sign, so have your system serviced regularly.

You’re Hearing Odd Noises

Hearing any of the following noises?

  • Rattling
  • Banging
  • Grating
  • Humming
  • Squealing
  • Screeching
  • Squeaking

If you are, you definitely have an issue with your furnace system, and if you’ve heard noises before and they’ve come back after repair services it’s time to think about replacing your system. Odd noises coming from your furnace are some of the most overt warning signs of a problem. Don’t try to ignore these problems—contact a professional as soon as possible.

You’re Experiencing Cold Air or Low Airflow

Is the air that blows throughout your home unsatisfying? You don’t have to deal with very low levels of airflow blowing through your home or even lukewarm air blowing through your home. If you have either of these problems and they seem to persist no matter what you do then it’s time to upgrade your system.

Dust, Dust, And More Dust

Notice that you’re always dusting your home? This isn’t just a minor inconvenience, it’s actually a sign that your furnace is struggling. If your ductwork or furnace system isn’t properly maintained it allows dust to cycle through your home endlessly. You should have your heating system maintained by one of our professionals, and while you have them in your home, you should take the opportunity to inquire about furnace upgrades.

If you’re looking to upgrade your furnace this winter, be sure to contact our team here at Scaran.

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