Scaran Blog: Archive for October, 2022

Signs Your Heating System Needs Repair

Monday, October 24th, 2022

inside-of-a-heat-exchangerFall is here and winter will be here before you know it. If you haven’t already switched over to heating, you will soon. And when you do need the heater in your home, you want it to work great. Have you invested in heater maintenance over the past couple of years? If not, you might be facing heater problems this year.

Over time, your heater wears down and doesn’t work as efficiently. Small problems can occur and you may not even notice them until they get worse. Go ahead and schedule a heating service in Staten Island, NY before the heating season ramps up. This helps to ensure your heater works great all season long.

If you’re not sure what the signs are that your heating system needs repair, read on to learn more. 

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How to Protect Your Plumbing Pipes from Cold Weather

Monday, October 10th, 2022

If your home’s pipes have ever frozen during the winter then you probably want to prevent it from happening again at all costs. Winter will be here before we know it. When the temperatures drop to their lowest this winter season, you want to have preparations ready for protecting your home’s pipes. Frozen pipes are a short-term annoyance because you can’t access the water in your home, but they can also create larger problems if there is any permanent damage to your home’s plumbing. 

If you need plumbing in Staten Island, we are here to help. Our team of certified experts can help troubleshoot any plumbing problem—including frozen pipes—and give you advice for protecting your plumbing in the future. Until then, keep reading to learn more about how to prevent frozen pipes so you don’t have to worry about repairs later. 

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