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Get Your Garbage Disposal Ready for the Holidays

There’s that crisp chill in the air in the morning and evening, winter clothes are starting to hit the racks, and pumpkin spice has made it back into just about everything—your drinks, food items, and even your candles. We know that you’re already gearing up for the holiday season ahead. You might have even taken some time to prepare your home, too. We want you to keep a close eye on your plumbing system though.

This is something that’s often overlooked in the holiday prep. Your plumbing system will take a beating throughout the next few months. You can avoid a lot of damage with the help of our experts. If you need plumbing in Woodbridge, NJ, you can contact the professionals on our team. We’ll be sure to give you the professional work that you need.

The Best Garbage Disposal Tips

You probably don’t think about your garbage disposal in terms of right and wrong, but there are some best practices. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind this season.

Run Your Garbage Disposal Often

When was the last time you used your garbage disposal? It might be time for you to run it. Running a little cold water and turning on the garbage disposal will give you the chance to clear out any food from the drainage system and keep the moving parts of the disposal from rusting.

Keep Commercial Drain Cleaner Out of the Drain

We know how tempting it is to just run out to the store and buy a bottle of drain cleaner when things start to go south with your system. These chemical drain cleaners are cheap and seemingly effective. But trust us when we say that it’s not a wise decision. The chemicals in these drain cleaners are caustic and they can really damage your drain over time. Even if it cleans the drain for a while, it’s likely that it won’t clear all of the clog and the problem will redevelop soon.

Avoid FOG at All Costs

“FOG” stands for fat, oil, and grease. Fat, oil, and grease are such a problem for your garbage disposal because they enter your drain as a liquid but then quickly settle and become a sludge-like solid. Make sure that any of these substances go into your home’s trashcan rather than down the drain. You’ll be grateful that you avoided this problem in the long run.

When in Doubt, Call Our Team

If you ever feel like you’ve progressed past the stage of just preventing problems in a home, it’s time to schedule an appointment with our team members. You can always trust our professionals to perform the work that you need because we’re expertly trained and ready to work diligently. We can make sure that you get the best plumbing services not only through the holidays but also throughout the year. Contact us today to learn more.

Contact Scaran today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We understand how to treat your garbage disposal.

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