Scaran Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’

Why Your AC Seems to Run All the Time

Monday, August 12th, 2024

Does it seem like your air conditioner is always on? You might think that this is a good thing and that your AC is working hard to keep your home cool. But the truth is that your air conditioner needs to take breaks in between cycles instead of running constantly.

If you notice your air conditioner staying on for extended periods of time, you need to give our team a call so we can check out your air conditioning in Edison, NJ. You can also keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons why your air conditioner may be on more often than not.

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Tips for Making a Loud Central AC Run Quieter

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Is your air conditioner making a lot of racket during operation? If so, you may be wondering how to quiet all the noise so that it fades into the background instead of being loud enough that you have to speak over it. Keep reading to learn our tips for ensuring quiet AC operation and knowing when to call for service because your AC’s sounds are getting out of hand.

Just give us a call for loud noises in your central air conditioning in Staten Island, NY and we can help troubleshoot. Sometimes noisy operation is easy enough to address yourself, but other times you need to leave it to the AC pros. When in doubt, it’s always better to play it safe and reach out for help. 

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When Repairs Can No Longer Save Your Air Conditioner

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

old-air-conditionerHow long can a home air conditioning system last? Nobody can provide a definite number, but here’s one answer that’s certain: it won’t last forever. As much as we would all love to have an air conditioner that will never need to be replaced—“the last air conditioner you’ll ever need to buy!”—it doesn’t exist. Like any other mechanical system, an air conditioner will eventually wear down to the point where repairs won’t rescue it and it’s time to get a new one.

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3 Major Repairs Your AC May Need (And How to Avoid Them)

Monday, June 25th, 2018

air-conditioner-unit-being-repairedUgh, repairs. Nobody wants to face repairs because they mean something has gone wrong. In the summer, even thinking of “AC repairs” immediately makes people start to break out in a sweat because they imagine their home turning into a combination of an oven and greenhouse—at least until they’ve gotten certified HVAC technicians to fix the problem.

It’s our job to help restore home air conditioners to working order, but we understand that most people would rather not have a reason to call us in the first place. Below are three of the major repairs your air conditioning system may need this summer—as well as how you can prevent them from happening.

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5 Ways to Cut Down on Cooling Costs This Year

Monday, April 30th, 2018

thermometer-going-redAnother hot summer in New York is on the way. Are you already worried about the first electrical bills of the season because you know how much it costs to run the AC? We understand, but we also know ways you can lower that summer utility bill sticker shock. Below are five ways you can make those cooling bills much more manageable this summer.

ONE: Install a new air conditioner

We’ll start with the most drastic step, but the one that can potentially save you the most—scrapping an old, inefficient AC for a new one. If your cooling system is more than 15 years old, or it was in your house when you moved in and you have no idea how long it’s been working away, you’re probably ready for an upgrade. Let an HVAC expert take a look at the system during maintenance (see below) and give you an informed opinion on whether it’s time to replace the cooling system. The pro can also give you advice for a new system.

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Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance and How It Helps Each Summer

Monday, April 16th, 2018

technician-examines-gas-furnaceWe recommend you make air conditioning maintenance a regular part of your spring cleaning routine. In fact, it may be the most important springtime job to get done for your house. It isn’t something you can do on your own, however. It’s a job for HVAC professionals with special tools who will inspect your AC and provide it the cleaning, adjustments, and tune-ups necessary for the best performance in the summer.

But we’d like to break down the benefits of how spring maintenance helps your air conditioner beyond JUST “it makes it run better.” There are many ways the investment in annual AC maintenance pays you back each summer.

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